photo by the TRI SPACE, Shanghai

Yifan Guo is a Chinese composer, performer, and intermedia artist who specializes in the innovative exploration of multidimensional music perception experiences, employing both sonic and non-sonic elements in performance. Embracing a range of compositional practices from music theater to acoustic music, electro-acoustic music, sound installation, and intermedia performance, Guo seeks to contribute to the innovative landscape of stage works.

Supported by institutions such as UC San Diego, Yu Long Studio, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Opera House, Parkland Foundation, and AEP-CHINA. Guo's artistic endeavors have graced renowned festivals and venues across East Asia, the Middle East, North America, and Europe. Highlights include performances at festivals such as Beijing Music Festival (China), Ticino Musica Festival (Switzerland), Festival Mixtur (Spain), Le Domaine Forget de Charlevoix (Canada), June in Buffalo (USA), and venues such as David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, National Sawdust, Qualcomm Institute (USA), Château de Fontainebleau (France), Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall, and the Guangzhou Opera House (China), amongst others.

Recent projects include Dancing to My Shadow, commissioned by the Guangzhou Opera House (concert version and 90-min theater version, commissioned by the Guangzhou Opera House), as well as A String-infused Sonic Activity, a portrait concert, and Listen to Your Inner Ape, a theater scoring commissioned by the Drum Tower West Theatre Company.

Guo's collaborative efforts extend to esteemed ensembles such as the JACK Quartet, Arditti Quartet, Quatuor Diotima, Ensemble l'Itinéraire, PinkNoise Ensemble, Alinéa Ensemble, Vertixe Sonora Ensemble, Ensemble Dal Niente, Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble, Ensemble Paramaribo, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, and International Chamber Orchestra of America, as well as renowned artists like percussionist Steven Schick and Yongyun Zhang, multimedia artist Shihua Ma, flutist Xiaoyu Lin, clarinetist Vasko Dukovski, violin virtuoso Ruifeng Lin, pianist Han Chen, double bass virtuoso Bowen Qian, soprano Tony Arnold, computer music researcher Zehao Wang and Han Zhang, and lighting designer Shee Hoe Low, among others.

As an advocate for contemporary music and music technology, Guo shares his expertise through lectures and workshops at institutions such as the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Xinghai Conservatory of Music, South China Normal University, East China Normal University, and the Guangzhou DaoHe Institute. He also teaches regularly at the X-Institute in Shenzhen.

Earned degrees from Mannes School of Music (B.M. with honors) and New England Conservatory of Music (M.M.), Yifan Guo is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of California, San Diego, under the guidance of Michelle Lou. He has also received mentorship from Huang Ruo, Stratis Minakakis, John Maillia, Kaija Saariaho, Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Lei Liang, Marcos Balter, Rand Steiger, and Chaya Czernowin. In conducting, he has been mentored by Daye Lin, Bill Drury, and David Hayes. Guo's creative works have been recognized with awards such as the Prix Marion Tournon Branly, the Carl Schachter Award, Ise-Shima International Composition Prize, and the finalist of 11th Mivos/Kanter String Quartet Composition Prize.

郭艺帆,旅美青年作曲家、表演艺术家、新媒体艺术家,现为加州大学圣地亚哥分校在读博士及助理讲师。其近年来致力于探索在音乐中多维度感知的艺术表达和体验方式和于表演中声音与非声音间的传递方式。他的作品类型广泛,涉及到器乐室内乐、计算机音乐、音乐剧场、跨媒介舞台艺术、管弦乐、声音装置艺术、舞蹈配乐、戏剧配乐、电影配乐。美国缅因晨报形容他的室内乐《百味图》为“有着像诗人沃尔特·惠特曼般的意境”,“充满诗意的音乐”;前法国蓬皮杜音乐&声学研究所(IRCAM)总监Jean-Baptiste Barrière称其音乐“充满活力和想象力”。他曾获得Marion Tournon Branly、The Carl Schachter Award、The Mivos/Kanter Prize提名、I Creation提名、Morton Gould Awards等奖项及来自纳迪亚布朗热基金会、余隆工作室、鹏瑞艺术基金、中国艺术拓展计划、加州大学圣地亚哥分校的支持。他于2018年赴法国枫丹白露宫(Château de Fontainebleau)进行艺术驻留;2019年与纽约PinkNoise当代乐团进行中国巡演;2022年在广州大剧院成功首演受其委约创作的90分钟多媒体音乐剧场作品《弄影》,并于同年参与热门实验戏剧《一只猿的报告》的配乐创作;2023年受邀参加北京国际音乐节并进行器乐电子音乐作品音乐会展演。

作为作曲家,其作品多次被世界著名团体及艺术家上演,包括Quatuor Diotima(法国)、the JACK Quartet(美国)、Arditti Quartet(英国)、Ensemble l'itinéraire (法国)、Ensemble Paramiabo(加拿大)、Vertixe Sonora Ensemble(西班牙)、女高音歌唱家Tony Arnold、小提琴演奏家林瑞沣、低音提琴演奏家钱博文、单簧管演奏家Vasko Dukovski、打击乐演奏家及指挥Steven Schick、长笛演奏家林笑语、打击乐演奏家张永韵、多媒体艺术家马仕骅、纽约爱乐及波士顿交响乐团独奏家等,并多次上演于纽约林肯表演艺术中心、纽约卡内基音乐厅、波士顿乔丹音乐厅、法国枫丹白露宫、广州大剧院、星海音乐厅等重要表演艺术舞台。他曾受邀于华南师范大学、华东师范大学、四川音乐学院、星海音乐学院等艺术院校和机构进行学术讲座。郭艺帆投入了大量的时间和精力钻研艺术创作,曾跟随黄若、林大叶、梁雷、Michelle Lou、Stratis Minakakis、John Mallia、Marcos Balter学习,并获得Rand Steiger、Kaija Saariaho、Jean-Baptiste Barrière、Chaya Czernowin等作曲家的指导。